Monday, January 26, 2009

December 2008January 2009

Calendar events to date: in my microgarden, on Christmas day, daffodil shoots appeared. A few days after that, four round red robins where hunting for worms right in front of my window, and about 2 more were flying back and forth between the trees, accompanying my four with song. Unless the robins spend winter right outside my window, robins are signaling spring is coming. I've never seen the robins this early. After a few more days, the croci and the single pink hyacinth have also pushed into the daylight.

On 20 January, we had 4-6 inches of snow that melted within two days.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

2009 January 25 Sustainability Update

Yesterday I organized a compost update. I will add more after the telephone call.