Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Rose Dead Head

On 28 December 2009, I snapped off one as described in the title. The package container stated "Blaze Rose," but I don't think Blaze is the species I purchased. I have deep pink blossoms usually by the first week in April. In 2009, I had two small roses growing through November. However, the air has been brisk and breezy, almost freezy, through December.

In December 2008, on Christmas Day, the daffodils had green shoots pushing through the summer season's tomatoes and green peppers. This December, I don't see a single green shoot.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Microclimate Watch

On Thursday, I inspected the last plants standing, the green peppers which thrived in their microclimate location this summer. The joints and several stunted green peppers were stunted and tinges with black streaks, victims of colder weather.

Today, Saturday, after an overnight low in the twenties, the last of the green pepper plants are frozen and in mourning, heads and leaves lowered to the earth as if in saturnalian prayer. The dill is still standing.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 2009

The twelfth month deserves an update for this blog. In May, we volunteered for our local CSA Farm Tour. We were greets at Castlemaine Farm near Liberty on a Sunday afternoon. The farm put my microgarden to shame; however, my microgarden has been a good trial. In 2010 I hope to have a larger space.