Monday, March 26, 2012

Plot Acquired

No, not a novel, a garden! Second plot acquired and also rain, rain, all weekend. However, soil and compost are ready and will go in tonight, 5:30 pm EDT. The strategy will be square foot gardening. Long range plan is to garden with row covers over winter. Observing microclimates may be included.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Second garden plot

In the work! will update Sunday. The first garden is in mid-town, limited access, raised beds, and the only plants for now are those that grow above the ground. The second garden plot-may be belowground.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Farm Class

Ended with the decision that commuting 80 miles round trip during 2012 summer is not realistic, so farewell, farmer's path, for now. May be my family is one of the few who is somewhat indifferent to rising gasoline prices. We did sign up for a small garden plot in town. We're waiting to hear about a second opportunity.