Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Afternoon Update

Beginning of trip: sunny and humid. End of trip: sun gone, cloudy, cooler, and far less humid, in two hours. Visited Plot #1 as a EOD treat, before Hurricane Beryl arrives. Tied up and suckered tomatoes. Cucumber vine has grown an inch since yesterday. Neighbor has harvested the gigantic zucchini. Plot #2 has the largest nasturtium blossom I've ever seen. Plot neighbor has a regular cuke that has doubled in length since yesterday. Great results. It had rained slightly, so no watering. Forgot to mention the wild blackberry bushes on the north side. Harvested a plump one yesterday and another one today. Tart. Birds haven't seemed to bother yet.

Memorial Day Weekend

Plot #1: neighbor plot contains a green zucchini that grew from a yellow blossom to a 12+ giant in 5 days, then filled out on the 6th day. Hurrah for raised bed gardening. May be woody texture by now.  Our Plot #1 get intermittent sunlight only but a good experiment. Home: harvested first Early Girl Saturday, delicious, then second Sunday after seeing squirrels eyeing as a rolling round plaything. Bee Balm, planted where we've dug in compost for past years, is now almost 6 feet tall. The four yellow jackets swarm; one is so fat it bends the blossoms over. They love it; everthing else pollinates. AWOL from community garden in center of town!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Trellis installed

Double-square foot garden plot #3 now complete with trellis and netting.