Thursday, July 26, 2012


Visited Plot #1 and harvested one pickling cucumber last night. Noticed unofficial harvesting means 2 cayenne peppers satisfied another's bite. Neighbor plot's trellis was leaning, so closer inspection revealed hidden among beautiful 5-lobed leaves are small green melons suspended in the air. Probably honeydew but will know later.

Home plot says thanks to SB for the coffee grounds. Two blaze roses are thriving post Black Kow spreading. Mint trimmed back. More tomatoes harvest bound.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cherokee Purple Harvest

Yesterday, home, from one plant, harvested 11 tomatoes; 3 had been colonized by ants, so they were shaken off and then drowned in a bowl of water. Unofficial harvesting from Plot #1, so that's To Do on my list. Various other tomatoes harvested, along with Japanese eggplant, a cayenne pepper, and salad onions.

Today harvested one more Cherokee Purple, so that's a dozen in 2 days. The home garden plot is the recipient of 6 years of composting. Bee balm was 6 feet high. A tomato plant, staked vertically, was 6 feet tall before it toppled over from the weight of tomatoes, and is no weighing down on the former tall bee balm. If it had fallen over, it would be 7 feet tall. Two more tomato plants have joined the 6 foot club. We use the triangular, foldable green trellis available at home supply stores. Consider them a great investment. They fold up and store well; in addition, cantaloupe plants love twirling and vining around the inside of the triangular cages.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Harvested first ones today from plot #1! Thought they would never turn red. Watered because the heat of the day is wilting the plants. Need to mulch tomorrow.