Saturday, September 8, 2012

Transplanted Last Week. Rabbits Dining This Week

Sunday 09Sep12 Plot #1 now has aluminum foil strips to tremble in the slightest breeze. Let's see if rabbits avoid my new transplants. 

Saturday 08Sep12 Plot #1 shows rabbit visitors already found and dined on corner plot but they seemd to ignore the cauliflower leaves. Plant more cauliflower! In contrast, the neighbor plot's radishes, lettuces, kale undisturbed. The narrow gravel lanes between plots deter rabbits. After broccoli and cabbage transplants enjoyed the back seat for a week, they got into the home garden this morning. Now acclimated to outdoors, salvia offers one sapphire bloom.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

2012 Autumn Planting

Attended Breeze Farm workshop on post-harvesting. Beautiful moonrise. Transplanted 3 cauliflower given by a plot neighbor and bought 2 brussels sprouts transplants for home garden. Have compost, will cover.