Monday, February 25, 2013

Winter Plant Census

Visited Plot #1 in preparation for the move 01March2013. Noticed one cauliflower bud the size of a marble. Pulled two slim green onions, the smell of salad and spring.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Plot #1 Is Moving!

The Whole Foods staff have decided to relocate all garden plots. 02Mar2013 is the work day for the move. Have already requested a plot in full sun! Must dismantle trellis, netting, all soil, all boards, and relocate. Location TBD.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

What 60-40-20 Degree Weather Means

Saturday from 9 am until about 3 pm, continuous snow in North Carolina. At times, inch wide snowflakes fell. Was outside from 9-10 am and saw the rain change to flakes, people in a steady festive mood. Then snow changed to inch wide flakes. By afternoon, snow tapered to determined flurries. While running errands, I noticed behind the bergamot, the smallest daffodils pushed through their yellow hello.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Early Peas

Checked 10Feb2013. No sign they have sprouted. Onions growing uneventfully and harvested one. The cabbage is dormant.